Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Weswern VIPs

The Danelaw

King Charles the Hammer
Queen Mayda of Balmorn

Prince Richard Charlesson of Roseone

Madoc Brood
High Priest of the Morrigan

Marshal Asha Greyblood
Grandmaster of the Blackguard

Gregor Manychild
Master of the Gate

Edryd Cunnedda
Grandmaster of the Falcon

Edryd Cunnedda
Grandmaster of the Falcon

Sylvian Du Rocher
Baron of Kilen
Warden Alcneon of Myrdos
Duchess Alara Rikardson of Eastwinter

Adalyn the Butcher
Grandmaster of the Viper
Duchess Cynedaell

Kingdom of Illien

Queen Anastasia Avergnon
Young Emeric Avergnon

Duke Dyfad Pentagen of Krew

Alber Solae
Grandmaster of the Gold

Hector Chardon
Grandmaster of the Dragon
Duke Severin Lajoie

Jakob Cazal
Baron of Kilen

Maelor Swavely
Baron of Bree
Majordomo Andre Batteux

Freehold of Eastwinter

Aren Kargarian
the Lord Commander of the Iron Brotherhood

Vinorik Jankovik
Grandmaster of the Dragon

The Waste of Krew

Anya Zosfia
Farago Pentagen
the Bastard of Krew
Duchess Tsarmina the Red

Credik of Half-Day
Champion of the Falcon

Mecik Wallbane
Grandmaster of the Ant

In Exile or Missing

Duchess Ivona Dalareux
(formly Dolezal)

Solairea of Illien

Grandmaster of Paladins