Sunday, October 16, 2016


Fire is the breath of life, it gives comfort and the ability to transform, but it's also a dangerous and destructive tool with a will of its own.

It's perhaps for this reason that Hobgoblins and their kin are drawn to its inherently untamable nature. Perhaps the fire illuminates their own lust for power.

The study of Pyromancy is first an arcane discipline and uses the base Magic-User class, however, it draws from a completely different spell list. They can additionally receive either Divine Lore or Blacksmithing at first level. They can choose to gain a free purchase in either of these skills at level up instead of the free purchase of Arcane Lore.

Pyromancy is seen as a divine art, and its practitioners are akin to clerics. Pyromancers are most common among the Hobgoblin tribes of the Ban-Skald and their Half-Hoblingoblin children. The study of fire channeling can found among other races, with Grel and the Arran'aki being the next most common, but its not even close to the numbers that the Hobgoblins produce.

The fact that pyromancers draw their spells from the divine spell list but still use Spell Points may seem confusing, but there is an easy way to figure out your spell costs. It's identical to figuring out the spell point cost of regular magic user spells (spell level x 20 + 80 or spell level x 10 + 40 for memorized spells.). You treat divine spells just like regular arcane spells, and while you can't expend additional spell points to buff them you will still need to memorize them to get the reduced spell cost.

Spells that are marked with the asterisk are special, these are spells of pure fire that draw on the most primal power of pyromancy. These spells are fueled by the fire in a Pyromancers heart, and always have the benefits of a memorized spell. They come with the added bonus of being usable even if a pyromancer has lost his spell book, and are automatically learned during a level up.

Spell List Key:
MU = Arcane Spell List
ZG = Zealot's Guide followed by guide #.
PHB = Player's Handbook clerical spell list

Amplify Illumination (MUA)
Feat of Strength (MUA)
*Fire Finger (MUA)
Jolt (MUA)
Repair (MUA)
Springing (MUA)

Candlelight (MUJ)
Sense Magic Aura (MUJ)
Extend Fuel (PHB)
Moderate Personal Climate (PHB)
Sense Divine Magic (PHB)

Pepper Spray (MU1)
*Scorch (MU1)
Flash Bang (ZG4)
Aggravate Pain (PHB)
Moderate Elemental Damage (PHB)
Sterilize (PHB)
*Searing Metal (PHB)

Shocking Touch (MU2)
Smoke Screen (MU2)
Torchlight (MU2)
*Fire Breathing 1 (ZG3)
Detect Poison (PHB)
Endure Heat (PHB)
Illumination: Torch (PHB)

Bedazzle (MU3)
*Flaming Missiles (MU3)
Pyrotechnic Display (MU3)
Veil of Darkness (MU3)
White Hot Metal (MU3)
Withstand Fire (MU3)
Alleviate Trauma (PHB)
Endure Cold (PHB)
Rejuvenate (PHB)

Enfeeble (MU4)
Fracture Object (MU4)
*Skipping Betty Fireball (MU4)
Strength of the Boar (ZG2)
Illusionary Fire (ZG4)
*Flaming Weapon (PHB)
Re-energize (PHB)

Entrancing Lightshow (MU5)
Heat Seeking Fist of Thunder (MU5)
Massive Smoke Screen (MU5)
Munz's Bolt of Acid (MU5)
Illumination: Lateran (PHB)
Therapeutic Touch (PHB)

Boost Strength (MU6)
*Flame Ball (MU6)
Stink Bomb (MU6)
*Fire Breathing 2 (ZG3)
Bless Weapon (PHB)

Low Light Vision (MU7)
Strength of the Stag (ZG2)
Smoke on the Water (ZG3)
Extreme! (ZG3)
Invigorate (PHB)

Exploding Script (MU8)
Force Grenade (MU8)
Illumination (MU8)
*Fire Breathing 3 (ZG3)
Extinguish (PHB)

Infravision (MU9)
Lightning Bolt (MU9)
Resist Fire (MU9)
Alleviate Fatigue (PHB)
*Fiery Furnace (PHB)

*Fireball (MU10)
Power Attacks (ZG2)
Sunburst 1 (ZG6)
Bless Weaponry (PHB)

Chlorine Gas Cloud (MU11)
Claymore (MU11)
Dense Fog (MU11)
*Fire Breathing 4 (ZG3)

Strength of the Bear (ZG2)
Hex, Arcane Spellcaster (ZG2)
Shill o' the Wisp (ZG4)
Analgesic (PHB)
Resist Acid or Caustic (PHB)

*Firewall (MU13)
Mist of Corralling (MU13)
Toxic Web (MU13)
Daylight (ZG6)
Blessed Warmth (PHB)
*Pillar of Fire (PHB)

*Fireball Volley (MU14)
*Fire Breathing 5 (ZG3)
Mortal Combat (ZG3)
Sunburst 2 (ZG6)

Phosgene Gas Cloud (MU15)
Strength of the Bison (ZG2)
Solar Bludgeon (ZG6)
Antitoxin (PHB)
White Energy Shroud (PHB)

Night Fighters (MU16)
Light Beam (ZG6)
Bless Weapons (PHB)
Enervating Blast (PHB)

*Molotov (ZG3)
*Hail to Fire (PHB)

*Torrential Fireball (MU18)
Wall of Bronze (MU18)
Action Hero (ZG3)

Strength of the Oliphant (ZG2)
Sunburst 3 (ZG6)
White Energy Shield (PHB)

Nerve Gas Cloud (MU20)
Dragonspeak (ZG2)
*Fire Strike (PHB)

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

the Thrashers

Tensions have always been high between the Andals and their Arpadian neighbors, especially in Wesswern, which is a border land between the two clashing cultures.

Centuries of Arpadian families raiding across the Severn River have made the lowlanders especially bitter to the red haired horse lords and this bitterness has only festered with the highlander invasion and the founding of the Kingdom of Durlin. In fact, this devesting of power seems to have only made the lowlander's more intent to revenge their spilled blood.

While bigotry is not uncommon, there is a radical section calling themselves the Thrashers, who are determined to push their agenda. These zealots, marked with the symbol of the whip, push to massacre Arpadians and mix-blood mules that live within Durlin.

They're ruthless and vicious, committing what in our world would be considered war crimes against those they dislike. This marginalizing behavior has made them larger unpopular in the past but with the resent wars and some mysterious backers, their ranks seem to be quickly swelling. This is especially true in the city of Krew, originally built as a gateway between Durlin and Ehikia, which has seen a flood of Arpadian merchants lately.

Tensions in the city are high as it is rumored that the Duke has taken an Arpadian woman as his mistress, only giving more reason for the common lowlander to hate his highlander oppressor. Several riots have broken out with a spree of spontaneous lynchings in their wake but the Thrashers seem to gone underground for now after a raid by the Duke on one of their safe houses.

Who controls this movement is unknown and it seems to be preached by priests of Sigmar and the Morrigan, a dire combination not lost on their Arpadian targets, who see both gawds as a symbol of hell.