Sirotek's Journal Complilation

Disclaimer: This was written by one of the players and so many minor and major details are wrong. This is written from his character's perspective and some details are changed for dramatic effect.

Session 1
     Commission from Lord Reed. Arrival at Stillwater. First fight with the Leechmen.
Session 2
     Leechmen are defeated. Villagers are met. Merryweather appears. Bandits are killed.
Session 3
     Two players are downed. The last takes on three bandits. He gets slight melodramatic.
Session 4
     Waifus. Waifus everywhere.
Session 5
     New guards show up. Parley with the Greyhoods.
Session 6
     The players meet the Daughters of Winter. They arrive at Varinngoth's Keep.
Session 7
Session 8
     Dogs are befriended. Chickens are slain. A wizard is chased.

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