Friday, August 14, 2015

Changes to Weapons: THE MASTER LIST

Because it's just easier to have all the changes to weapons in one place, I'm creating a master list of the modifications to the Hackmaster weapon list:

Hand Axe/Throwing Axe
      Hand axes and throwing axes are now considered the same weapons. You'll need to purchases the throwing axe proficiency but any Specializations or Talents apply to both, though you don't gain any bonus damage from them while throwing, even at a jog or run.
      You can switch between either at anytime you are in combat, but remember that if you already have them out it still takes 5 seconds to aim before throwing.

Battle Axe
      This is a two handed weapon but doesn't suffer the penalty to speed or the bonus damage. It can be paired with a buckler but attacking Aggressively negates the shield bonus.

Knife/Throwing Knife
      Knives and throwing knives are now considered the same weapons. You'll need to purchases the throwing axe proficiency but any Specializations or Talents apply to both, though you don't gain any bonus damage from them while throwing, even at a jog or run.
      You can switch between either at anytime you are in combat, but remember that if you already have them out it still takes 5 seconds to aim before throwing.

      You roll a d20p-4 when defending against a flail, even if you're using a shield. Regular flails now also come in an additional variety:
      Peasant flail: +2 to reach, it requires two hands giving it a +3 to damage and +2 to speed.
Military Pick/Warhammer
      The Military pick and the warhammer are the same weapon, it just comes down to what side of the head you are using. Any Specializations or Talents apply to both. It takes 2 seconds to switch sides.

       The scourge is particularly effective at triggering ToP saves. Any damage done with the scourge counts as double when considering whether it triggers a ToP, however, if it only triggers one because of this fact, the defender tries to get under his full Con score, instead of the standard half.
       This ability to negated by armor.

Two-Handed Sword
       Arguably the worst weapon, the two handed sword now has one thing in it's favor.
       The two handed sword now has a jab attack with a speed 12 and damage of a d12.

Warhammer/Military Pick
      The Military pick and the warhammer are the same weapon, it just comes down to what side of the head you are using. Any Specializations or Talents apply to both. It takes 2 seconds to switch sides.

Throwing Axe/Hand Axe
      Hand axes and throwing axes are now considered the same weapons. You'll need to purchases the throwing axe proficiency but any Specializations or Talents apply to both, though you don't gain any bonus damage from them while throwing, even at a jog or run.
      You can switch between either at anytime you are in combat, but remember that if you already have them out it still takes 5 seconds to aim before throwing.

Throwing Knife/Knife
      Knives and throwing knives are now considered the same weapons. You'll need to purchases the throwing axe proficiency but any Specializations or Talents apply to both, though you don't gain any bonus damage from them while throwing, even at a jog or run.
      You can switch between either at anytime you are in combat, but remember that if you already have them out it still takes 5 seconds to aim before throwing.

      Glaives have 1 less damage die and get a +1 to their speed.

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