Wednesday, August 24, 2016


     It's a one of the subtle ironies that the technique to forge the immaterial into the material was honed to perfection by man to fight the giants, the one's that taught them. In the age when giants warred with the gawds, the race of man often found themselves on the short end of the stick as collateral damage during the skirmishes. Man, who had been on one side and then the other, decided that it was time to do something about it.
     One man in particular, a druid by the name of Rostislav, took it as his personal calling to forge a blade that would keep the giants at bay. To this end, he took the sea breeze and created Stormcaller.

     Stormcaller is a two handed sword. Almost the length of a man, it's surprisingly light, probably because of a series of holes along the blade, which appears to be made of some sort of cold iron.
     While it can used in the traditional swordish manner, Stormcaller's main use is to, surprisingly, summon storms. By swinging the blade above your head, the weapon begins to let out a howl and soon the wielder becomes the center of a whirling maelstorm.

     The sword was surprisingly effective against the giants. While it wasn't lethal per se, the storms did act as a barrier to keep the giants at bay but as the war wound down and peace settled, Stormcaller fell into misuse. Well, for a time. After all, man are eternally creative when it comes to the destruction of their own kind.
     Stormcaller was used by the kings of Balmorn to forge their kingdoms, using its power to scatter enemy forces and flood enemy camps.
     It is perhaps because of this over use that caused the weapon's downfall. As the Queen of Fallkirk's madness began to destroy her mind, many at court became worried by the fact that she held such raw power in her hands. A troubled young priest of the Morrigan, Jahn Wytcliffe, took a terrible risk that no one else would take.
     Stealing the sword at night, the priest fled to the highlands. He spent 5 years in exile before being captured and dragged before the queen for treason. When told to recant and reveal the location of the druidic blade, Jahn was heard to whisper "I will fight the world, but I will not fight my conscience."

     Jahn Wytcliffe was burned at the stake in the Plaza of Broken Spears.

     Stormcaller remains lost to this day but hope still lasts that it might still be found.

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