Wednesday, January 11, 2017

New Talents

Ancestor Spirit      BP: 20
   Someone is looking out for this character and while things can go bad, they never go as bad as they could have.
   The severity level of all wounds, whether from called shots or penetration, are reduced by one. There is no decrease in damage but the auxiliary effects are slightly mitigated, allowing a character to keep fighting.

Armor Affinity     BP: 20
  Time in armor can give you a great feel on how to shift your weight properly, making it rest more easy on you. In fact, after training for so long in it, you may even forget you're still wearing it, until you lie down to sleep, that is.
  Armor Affinity allows characters to move a little bit quicker in armor of all kinds, reducing the movement penalty by 25%. It also lowers the Initiative and Defense by 1.
  Dwarves, being accustomed to wearing bulky armor from a young age (after all, those goblin villages ain't going to massacre themselves and the foreman isn't paying you to sit around a shit in your diapers), may purchase this talent at half cost.
  You may purchase this talent a second time for 20 BP to double all bonuses gained.

Arpadian Shooting      BP: 5
    Through careful study or just a natural talent for it, a character has learned to compensate for movement while using ranged weapons while moving. Each purchase moves the penalty die up one category. This talent may be purchased multiple times but must be done so at 2x, 3x, 4x etc. for each purchase.
Grels and Arpadians can purchase this talent for half cost, rounded up.

Advanced Rule:
    People can shoot while on the move but it comes at a cost, when firing on the move attack die are lowered for each movement category. Use the table.

On Foot

On vehicle

Attack Die

Deadly Striker      BP: 25
   Constantly aware of his enemy's anatomy and weak points in their armor, a deadly striker is able to do the little twists and turns that can turn a bad wound into a mortal one.
   On all wounds caused by this character, the severity level is increased by one. There is no corresponding damage increase nor does it grant auxiliary benefits on a wound with none (such as non-called shots and non-penetrated damage), it just increases the severity level.

Brutal     BP: 15
  By learning to use the terrain, the opponent's stance, and a little bit of opportunity, you can knock your enemy off his balance, causing him to stumble and lose his balance.
  Characters with this talent reduce the Knock-Back threshold of their opponent by 1 size category. This counts for both hits from weapons but also for calculating the Special Result Sum while using an unarmed fighting technique.

Elven Windage      BP: 15
   Learning to compensate for wind is an important skill that any archer or slinger should know but compensating for the unknown is a far greater challenge and takes dedication and practice.
   On a miss with a long ranged weapon, a character with this talent can choose whether their missile veered to the left or right of the target (instead of rolling a d4). They still need to roll a d12 for the distance but you can't factor for everything, can you?

Fleet-Footed      BP: 20
   A person that’s fleet of foot often gets monikers like ‘Swift’ or ‘Quick’. Those with the Coward quirk can purchase this talent for 10 BPs because you don’t have to outrun the troll, just your companions and this talent is a step in the right direction.
   Fleet footed characters gain no bonus while walking or jogging. While running the characters gain an additional 2 1/2 ft per second and while sprinting they gain an additional 5 ft per second.

Size Medium and Large creatures
Size Small and Tiny creatures
17 1/2 ft
10 ft
25 ft
15 ft

Improved Jab     BP: 15
  Through careful planning and a knowledge of the weak points in your enemy's armor, some skilled fencers and spearmen can make the most out of their jab attack.
  Characters with Improved Jab now penetrate on their jab attacks.

Opportunist (Attack)      BP: 30
   Where training meets chance, the skillful fighter learns to take every opportunity to strike his enemy and bring him down. The opportunist has trained himself to be exceptionally aggressive in combat.
   With the purchase of this talent, you gain a Near Perfect Attack on a natural 18 and 19.

Opportunist (CQC)   BP: 15
A clever fighter learns to use his enemy’s weapon against him and when the chance arises - he moves in.
A fighter with this talent can trade any bonuses he receives from a Near Perfect Attack or Defense to close on his attack, halving the effective fighting range.
This continues until either the attacker is knock-backed or choices to not advance.
For rules about fighting at close range see here.

Opportunist (Defense)      BP: 30
   Sometimes it pays to sit back and let your opponent attack until he makes a mistake. Where timing, training, and chance meet, the defensive fighter uses his enemy's aggressiveness against him.
   With this talent, you gain a Near Perfect Defense on a natural 18 and 19. Thieves who purchase this talent must spend an extra 10 BP but gain a Near Perfect Defense on a natural 17, 18, and 19.

Improved Defense      BP: 15
   Whether from superior training or a heightened sense of awareness, Improved Defense allows a character to defend normally against an additional opponent in combat. This doesn’t effect attacks from the rear, which are stilled defended with a d8p.
   This talent can be taken 3 times for 15 BP more each time (20 for the 1st time, 40 for the 2nd, and 60 for the 3rd).
Choosing Defense Die Against Attacker(s) with Improved Defence
No Shield, for 1-4 attackers to front/sides
With Shield, for 1-4 attackers to front/side
(Buckler 1-2, Small 3, Med, Lrg, Body 4)
With Shield, for extra attackers to front/sides
(Buckler 3 & 4, small = 4)
For >5th attackers to front/sides
For attackers to the rear
*plus Defense bonus and other modifiers

Stand Casting     BP: 20
  By fixing himself to the ground and entering a meditative state, a mage can enter a flow state, where channeling magic is easier.
  A wizard who is stand casting gains the benefit of being to over charge his spell with half the spell failure. On top this, the magic-user is not limited to the amount of SPs he can use to buff up his spell though every SP over the normal limit doubles the risk of Spell Failure.
  Mental and physical saves receive an additional benefit as the mage doubles his bonus when calculating the saving throw, though dodge saves remain unaffected.
  Stand casting does come with its drawbacks. The first is that you can't move at all while casting in this way and are considered helpless for the length of the spell. You may cancel the spell but all SPs are lost. On top of this Stand Casting requires twice the spell casting time as the magic-user must take the necessary seconds to prepare his mind to enter the flow state.
  Stand casting is tiring. Any spell cast this way doubles the time the mage suffers from spell fatigue.

Swift Spell     BP: 20
  When your life is on the line, you learn to do things quickly, by knowing where to cut corners and get away with it. Mage's sometimes devote their whole lives to learning the most efficient way to cast their spells but some find they just have a knack for it.
  A person with this talent may choose to cast spells in half the time for half the spell points, however, they do so at an added cost. Swiftly casted spell doubles the chance of spell failure (which can never drop below 1) and halves all baneful effects as well as losing all penetrations on damage dice.
  While dodge and physical saves are unaffected, illusions and mind affecting spells suffer from this slap-dash spell work and so any bonuses the victim would receive are doubled.
  There is one additional benefit for casting a spell at speed. Because it requires less channeling, then your average spell, the duration of spell fatigue is halved, minimum 1 second.

True Grit      BP: 20
   Even though many people never become knights, or even fighters, in their life-time, they're still exemplar of an unconquerable spirit. These are those that draw from some inner well the strength to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat. These people have True Grit and when the stakes are high, they rise to the occasion
   Characters with True Grit receive 5 +1 per level Chivalry points that renews every level. They act exactly like the Chivalry Points that knights receive as part of the class. See page 43 in the PHB for more information.
   Knights or Clerics of the Hall of the Valiant that purchase this talent receive the 5 point Chivalry Point bonus but only receives 1 extra Chivalry Point every other level.

Miscellaneous Talents

Tumbler    BP: 10
  By learning to control your falls, an acrobat has transitioned what he knows about jumping to how to properly survive a sudden drop.
  Someone with this talent takes 5 ft off their effective fall distance for every mastery level they have in the jumping skill. Additionally, if they are thrown against a wall because of a knock back their opponent doesn't get a free off hand attack.
  An acrobat is also adept at staying on their feet. They are only knocked prone after a triple knock-back instead of a double.

Ambidextrous    BP: 15
  Through training a fighter can overcome his natural tendencies and wield a weapon in either hands. This talent gives a player ambidexterity with all the bonuses and penalties associated with it.

Animal Magnetism      BP: 15
   Beyond Charisma, some people, no matter how disliked they may be, have the innate ability to get things done. These people have something called “Animal Magnetism”, or a alluring charm. Players with this talent gain a +5 to their Morale bonus when it affects other semi-intelligent humanoids or demi-humans. This could be commanding units in battle or forcing them from the field with opposed Morale checks in smaller skirmishes.
   A side bonus is that people always give a character with Animal Magnetism the benefit of the doubt in almost every situation.

Battery     BP: 20
  Some magically in tune individuals have a spells relationship with magic items. While others drain magic around them, these special people have learned that magic flows both ways. People with this talent can recharge magical items such as wands and staves from their own SP on a 100 to 1 basis.
  Recharging magical items like this has its drawbacks as you won't be able to recharge it indefinitely. For every 10 charges restored the item permanently loses 1 from its maximum charge. If that maximum charge ever drops below half of the original number then the item has enduring too much stress and breaks permanently.

Bulking    BP: 10 Prerequisite: Str 12
After months or even years of training you’ve finally managed to turn all of that fat into muscle. A character with this talent forgoes one fatigue penalty for being obese or overweight. This talent can be bought multiple times.

Charlatan      BP: Varies
   In the game of life there are the quick and the dead and on the road you’ve learned to pick up a thing or two from those around you by careful study, practice, or just natural talent.
   With this talent you may choose one class ability (outside of spellcasting) and gain all benefits and penalties for it. This can be the thief's backstab or Church of the True’s detect lies. It can also be the fighter’s ability to cross class into the knight class.
   Free skills, talents, and proficiencies that a class receives at first level can also be purchased with this talent and come as one package (meaning that if you purchase the Barbarian’s skills, you also get his bonuses to skills, his free talents, and his free proficiencies). You don’t, however, get the free increases to those skills that the actual class gets at level up.
   The base cost for this talent is the cost of the class for your race +10. Humans, and half-breeds with the choice to be raised by humans, who are raised by humans, may purchase this talent for 10 BPs cheaper.
   So an Elven Fighter wishing to steal the thief’s coup de grace would have to pay 35 BPs while a Human Fight would only have to pay 20.
   You may only purchase this talent once.

Fire of Life     BP: 20
  Everyone has an inner fire. It's what allows beings to tap into the magic of metal and to change the Spearmetal tattoos into finer forms but in the beginning, this ability was crude but out of it came the discipline of pyromancy.
  Individuals with this talent have learned to shape that primal fire in its most rudimentary form. Those with this talent are granted one random Apprentice level pyromancy which that cast in the same way as rogues cast their spells. They don't have the option to further buff the spell unless they have access to SP, either through their class or through the Supernatural Affinity talent.
  Half-Hobgoblins may purchase this talent at half cost.

Follow Through Healing     BP: 10
  Waste not, want not. If you would heal more than someone's maximum amount of health you can transfer the excess heal to an adjacent individual.
  This also works the same with inflict spells.

Heavy Lifter     BP: 15
Through proper use of equipment and weight management you have mastered the ability to carry supplies efficiently. With this talent you can carry weight as one encumbrance category lower. This does not increase your max carry.
They also gain the benefit of knowing how to properly utilize their muscles and so they’re considered 1 point of strength higher for determining lift and drag weights.

Improved Turning     BP: 15
  A cleric with this talent is particularly adept at turning (or commanding) undead. With this talent he gains a +3 to his turning modifier. He may purchase this talent multiple times but each time cost 5 more BP.

Lucky      BP: 20
   Some people are uncannily lucky, most of the time they go into the goods and wealth redistribution business (thievery) but some don’t. They manage to scrape through life on the skin of their teeth. For whatever reason, the gawds have blessed these individuals to survive, even if they don’t want it.
   Lucky characters receive 5 +1 per level Luck points that renews every level. They act exactly like the luck points that thieves receive as part of the class. See page 52-53 in the PHB for more information.
   Thieves or Clerics of the Church of Chance that purchase this talent receive the 5 point luck bonus but only receives 1 extra Luck point every other level.

Notoriety      BP: 5
   It seems no matter where you go, your reputation precedes you for better or worse.
   When entering a new area your starting Fame jumps to 1/10 of your overall Fame plus any additional bonuses from Looks.
   Additionally, a character with notoriety is treated a bit better than the common schmuck and is treated 1 Fame category better than he is.

Photographic Memory     BP: 20
  An ability to remember anything you have read with precision is a handy skill for an adventure trying to blackmail the local tyrant but mages and magic-users benefit even more so from this talent as it allows them to memories an additional spell per level.

Spell Knack     BP: 5
  Some spells just click for a caster, something innate that works for them. With this talent a spellslinger can automatically learn 2 spells over the course of his career, no check needed.
  He declares he is using this talent before the check. This talent does not give a free spell, it only affects learning new spells.

Spry     BP: 10
There are disadvantages to being skinny, but being able to lift one's own weight efficiently is not one of them. While in light armor and encumbrance people with this talent get a -1 to fatigue.
Additionally, those who take this talent get ⅓ cost reduction to STP’s (rounded up, ex. a cost of 4 would be reduced to 3)  that involve carrying their own body weight (i.e. Climbing, jumping, hiking road marching, running, etc.).

Prerequisite: Characters must be in the lowest highlighted weight categories for their race

Take After   BP: 20
  By this means a half breed takes after one of their parents species more than the other. A half-breed with the take after retains all the bonuses and penalties of their race and upbringing but can purchase a class using the prices for the parent they take after.
  Just in case you're wondering: if you are an elf with a single drop of human blood, you are a half-elf. No matter how many generations pass, your line is still tainted. This isn't true for Grel as long as you are accepted by a Broken Council.
  If a dwarf and a human have a child, he is a full blooded dwarf. No matter how many generations pass and no matter how many humans marry in, they are always full blooded dwarf.
  You may only purchase this talent for the children of characters you have. You can only bring in a new character with this talent.

True Faith     BP: 20
prerequisite: anointed to a gawd
    There are times when even the layman can call upon his faith to channel the divine mysterious to call forth their deity's power, if only in a limited way.
    Character's with this talent are shown a greater favor from their patreon gawd and are granted one 1st level divine spell that is appropriate to their gawd's theme. This can be cast once a day as a cleric of equivalent level. A character may continue to cast this spell as long as he remains in good standing with his deity.
    This talent is not open to clerics, however, non-cleric characters that have shown their devotion in game may pick this talent up for half cost pending GM's approve.
    The patron gawd may choose to change out the spell at any time, reflecting what might be more useful to their faithful or to try their faith.

Weight control     BP: 10
Some people can just gain weight or lose weight at the flip of a switch. People with this talent may move their weight category up or down one category per month if they so choose. Taking this talent removes purchases made with weight related discounts (such as spry). This talent may be removed for 5 BP.
If taken at 1st level, you may choose which weight category you start

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