Monday, April 25, 2016

New Combat Manuever: Strike the Weapon

     While blades and weapons meet all the time in the melee, it's an entirely different matter to try and willfully strike your opponent's weapon in an attempt to break it but it is a tactic that was employed on the battlefield, especially against pole-arms.

     By forfeiting your attack you may instead choose to attack their weapon. Unlike attacking a weapon of someone that's holding you at bay to move it out of the way, this is a deliberate strike to deal damage. The attack is against the defender's shieldless defense +6.

     On a hit the attacker rolls a reduced damage die that's as follows:

  • All piercing weapons only deal 1 point of damage
  • All crushing weapons use the lower of their two damage dice
  • All non-polearm hacking weapons deal the higher of their two damage dice
  • All hacking pole arms use the lower of the two dice rolled and they drop the +3
      Weapon breakage rules are similar to shield breakage rules with pole arms being treated as bucklers in terms of breakage and every other weapon treated as medium shields. The more damage, the more likely you are to break the weapon

      If a weapon falls it's breakage save, it doesn't shatter but instead the strike lowers the quality of the weapon, depending on the amount of weapon failed by (as per the usual rules found on page 197 of the PHB). After -4 the weapon shatters and is useless.

Fighting Unarmed with 1 or 2 hands

    Normally when attacking with an unarmed attacked you add your FoS to the special results sum to determine if your move was successful. This is the case whether you use two hands or one, which seems a bit silly.

     When fighting with ONE HAND, you add your damage modifier from strength to your special results sum. In this case it acts like a reduced FoS and doesn't add anymore to the damage.

     When fighting with TWO HANDS, you'll add your full FoS, just like normal.

New Combat Manuever: Power Attack

     Commonly called "Baseballing", Power Attacks allow a trade of accuracy and defense for power.

     While an Aggressive Attack is a series of feints designed to open an oppenent up, a Power Attack is a series of aggressive swings forcing an oppenent to move out of the way or get his head caved in. Power Attacking is also used to try and smash shields and weapons.

     While Power Attacking, you receive a -3 to Attack and Def in exchange for an additional none penetrating damage die. If the weapon has two different damage die, use the larger of the two.

     If you hit, you also add the difference between your FoS and their's for determining knock-backs.

     Like Attacking Aggressively, if your oppenent has Given Ground or Scampered Back, the Power Attack's damage is halved.

      Example: Red and Blue are locked in epic struggle. Red is growing angry and so he switches to a move offensive fighting style: he decides to start Power Attacking with his long sword.
      On the first round of attacks Red swings and gets a 15 on his roll. Blue counters but only gets a 13 so the attack lands.
      Red's damage would normally be 2d8p+3 (Red's got a strength of 15/73) but because he Power Attacked he instead rolls 2d8p+1d8+3 for damage. he rolls a 3, 2, and 8 on his dice. Even though he rolled an 8 on a d8, it doesn't penetrate because it was his bonus die from Power Attacking, so his total is 13, not too shabby but again, because he was baseball batting his attack, he adds the difference between his FoS (+8) and Blue's (+3) to determine whether or not it was a knock back.
      So the total was 13 damage but 18 for knock-back, sending Blue staggering back against the onslaught.

      The next round of attacks go by and Red attacks again with a Power Attack. This time Blue Gives Ground, but his defense only ends up totaling 7 against Red's 11. Red rolls a 5, 6, 4, giving him a total to damage of 18 but because Blue moved back, Blue only takes 9, however Red's total for knock-back was 14, meaning that Blue's managed to hold his ground. And, hey, at least he didn't take the full 21 damage.