Saturday, August 27, 2016

Lithic and Obsidian Weapons

   While the Age of Bronze is giving way to the Age of Iron, some clans and cultures refuse these new ways of life in favor of more traditional and primitive means of crafting. That's not to say that weapons crafted of stone and wood are uncommon, even in these new ages. In fact, metal of any kind can be quiet scarce and expensive to repair and maintain. In these cases, the poor may find that a flint dagger is better then none.

     These are the rules laid out in the GM about lithic weapons, or weapons crafted of stone:

     As said, lithic weapons are limited to the following weapons: arrows, hand axes, javelins, melee knives, short spears, slingstones, spears, throwing axes, and warhammers.

     Stone weapons are more likely to break then their metal cousin. They're also less effective against armor.

     When wielding a lithic weapon you receive a -1 penalty to damage when the defender is wielding medium armor and -3 against heavy armor.
     Additionally, on any attack roll that nets lower then 2 while using these types of weapons results in the weapon chipping. Again, this is a net roll. If you also roll a natural 1, you also gain any of the penalties for fumbling.
     This chipping gives the weapon a cumulative -1 penalty to Attack and Damage. 4 such chips result in the weapon becoming useless.

     On the flip side, lithic weapons tend to be chip because it takes very little to craft them and materials are plentiful. In fact, no skill is needed to make these weapons and Crafting (Lithic Weapons) is considered a universal skill. Not that your weapons will probably come out great unless you invest some BPs in the skill but in a pinch, it'll do.
     If you really feel the need to purchase lithic weapons, or if you wish to buy a fine quality stone warhammer, lithic weapons are a 10% of the price.

Obsidian Weapons

     Obsidian is a unique material. Unusually brittle and deadly sharp, obsidian is the weapon of choice for the Stone Clan Nimetu.
     These weapons tend to be a bit harder to work with and are less effective against armor.

     Obsidian weapons receive -2 damage against defenders in light armor, -4 against medium armor, and -6 against heavy armor.
     It chips about the same as other stone weapons, however, when it does, it takes a -2 penalty Attack and Damage. Again, 4 such chips result in the weapon breaking and becoming useless.

     Obsidian has 2 things to be said about it. The first is that against unarmored enemies, obsidian gains a bonus of +3 damage. That means a +5 Obsidian knife nets a +8 to damage when slicing through unprotected flesh.

     This has probably informed classical Nimetu fighting style of trying to attack your target when he's got his trousers around his ankles and only attacking people you absolutely have to. After all, it's a pain to keep replacing your weapon.

     Because of the skill required in crafting these weapons, these weapons cost only 30% of the weapon's price. If you wish you craft your own, you'll find it generally cheaper, as you only have to by the raw materials but these raw materials are fairly rare outside of volcanically active areas.

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