Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Better Barbarians

Sadly, the barbarian class is not seen much play as its been upstaged by fighters and rangers, which is sad because barbarians are awesome. That's partly the reason why I did a whole post on customizing your barbarians (FIND IT HERE).

To boost the power of our barbarous friends, the following deviations apply to the Barbarian class:

Natural vs Fantastical Beasts
In the book barbarians gain certain bonuses against 'natural' creatures from their homeland. How they define this is any creature found in our world. It excludes Owlbeast but then later defines fantastical beasts as "one that demonstrates any power that is unnatural to include, for example, the undead, those capable of wingless flight, or any being able to utilize magical powers."

Owlbeasts would not fall under any of those things but still count as fantastical. We're expanding the meaning of 'natural' to include any creature that could survive, unaltered in our world. So, Owlbeasts, despite being odd, could reasonably survive in our world. Hippogriffs would also count because despite having a wingspan that wouldn't be able to hoist them in the air, don't gain their flight through magical means.

Basilisks couldn't because their main attack is a look that turns people to stone. Dragons couldn't because they cast spells. Rocs would be considered natural because they're just large birds. Dinosaurs would also count because, if Jurassic Park taught us anything, they could survive on earth.

Skill vs Talent
The Barbarian's life is a brutal struggle for survival. When they're not fighting the weather, they're fighting each other. Their ability to fight the weather is represented in their skills and their ability to fight each other is sort of represented in the number of proficiencies they have.

Sure, they don't have the time to devote to hone their skills in the same way a fighter does but constant warfare does teach you things that training simply doesn't. Barbarians learn tricks that can apply to any weapon the pick up.

As such, Barbarians get the following Proficiencies/Talents for half cost:


Advanced Sighting 
Blind Fight 
Blind Shooting 
Deceptive Defender 
Improved Reach 
Charm Resistant 
Fast Healer
Hit Point Bonus 
Illusion Resistant
Improved Awareness 
Less Sleep
Pain Tolerant
Poison Resistant
Tough As Nails
Tough Hide

Improved Defense 
Opportunist (Either)
True Grit
Ancestor Spirit
Arpadian Shoot
Elven Windage


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