Monday, November 3, 2014

Battle-Axes are Two-Handed Weapons

     The more research that I do, the more I see that traditional battle-axes are used with two hands, as opposed to what it says in the PHB. Additionally, there's already a one handed ax in the weapons section so it seems rather redundant to have another, obviously superior weapon. After to taking this all into consideration, I've decided to make battle-axes a two handed weapon with the following exceptions.

     Battle-axes don't receive the +3 to damage that one handed weapons used two handed get but that also don't suffer from the speed penalty that they also normally receive.
     If you are using one, you may also have the ability to use a buckler at the same time. This is the extent of the battle-axes shield use. You lose the buckler's shield bonus (and incur the -4 to defense) should you choose to attack aggressively with it.

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