Monday, November 3, 2014

Called Shots Secondary Effects

     The Called Shot section is a little dry. There may or may not be secondary effects that will be outlined in the GMG whenever that comes out, but for now, players that use Called Shots will be disappointed. To amend that until further rules come out, the following rules have been made:

     Called shots allow a character to apply secondary damage effects (the charts for which are found here) to their damage. Obviously, the location is based on where the character was aiming but the severity is based on the lesser of the two die with DR subtracted as deemed appropriate (Note: all suits of armor come with helmets but fingers may or may not be covered.). If the attack was greater then the defense roll by 5, then it's the larger of the two damage rolls and if greater then 10 then it's both damage die. This is further added to any penetration damage that should be rolled.
     Obviously, this only gives a broad overview. If the character is aiming for fingers and hits, use the Arm hit location for a general guide line of what happens. In this case, the enemy is more likely to drop what ever they're holding. A good guide line is to add the penalty to hit for the location to the effective severity (meaning that while the fingers are harder to hit, they're also fairly easy to sever once hit.)

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