Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Practical Unarmed Fighting

    I know that you go home every night, sit on your bed, open up your PHB, and lovingly caress the pages of the Unarmed Fighting section. A silent tear rolls down your check as you wonder if you'll ever get to use them in combat.
    Well, buck up, you whiner! This is your practical guide to unarmed fighting!

    It is extremely unwise to try and go into combat without a weapon but just because you're using one doesn't mean you can't throw punches and try to throw your opponents.
    By switching to unarmed fighting (attacking w/ both) you trade off some defense for the opportunity to back hand your enemy.

    Here's some things to keep in mind:
    You can't make an unarmed attack for the first little bit of engaging with an opponent. You have to wait half your unmodified primary weapon speed +1 before making an unarmed attack.
    After that point you can make an additional unarmed at anytime in the combat but you take the following penalties:

    Your next primary weapon attack happens 2 seconds later. Additionally, for the next 10 seconds you defend with a d10p (instead of a d20p-4, or d20p if you have a shield), even if your primary weapon attack happens before then.
     You can decrease the time you defend with a reduced die by specializing in unarmed Speed (or buying the speed bonus talent in unarmed fighting).

     But if you're using an Advanced Combat Maneuver, you gain all the bonuses and penalties on both attacks.
     Also, usually, you'd be saddled with an additional -2 attack and damage for using your off-hand but this doesn't apply in this case, because I said so.

    Some unarmed fighting techniques will require you to drop your weapon if it's two handed.
    Things you don't need a free hand for:
Strike, Overbear, Bullrush, Shield bash (obviously requires a shield)

    Things you need at least one free hand for:
Grab, Break Hold, Scramble-For-Weapon

    Things you need both hands for:
 Tackle,Toss/Take Down, Hold

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