Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Revised Shield Bash

Shield bashes suck right now. I've redone the damage:

Bucklers:            1d4+1d4p
Small:                 1d4p+1d6
Medium:             1d6p+1d4p
Large:                 1d4p + 1d4
Body:                  1d6+1d4

Shields have a maximum Reach of 0. So, an ogre and a human using a shield will have a Reach of 0, while a dwarf or halfling will have a Reach of -1.

Going into combat with only a shield means that you count as unarmed and the attacker attacks at half speed, however the attacker doesn't get the free attack if the defender shield bashes.

Medium shield are more effective then their smaller counter parts at shoving your opponent around. As such, you gain your net FoS to determine Knock Backs when bashing with them.

Large and Body shields have reduced damage dice because they are harder to swing effectively in combat. Obviously, if someone was to grab one end of a body shield and swing it, full-boar, into someone's face, it'll do a lot better damage, but that's not usually the case in pitched melee.

When shield bashing with a Large, or Body shield a lot of it is using force or momentum to try and throw your attacker around, rather then strictly do damage. Because of this, using these two types of shields to bash have their damage count as double for determining knock-backs and you may add your net FoS as well (your FoS - their FoS)

Superior Quality Shields and Bashing
A well-balanced shield made of the finest materials would, of course, be more effective at not only its defensive job but also its offensive job so any bonuses or penalties that a shield has is added to its Attack and Damage, just like a normal weapon.

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