Sunday, December 2, 2018

History of Samarkand: The Guilded Age

Pervious: The Golden Age

The Guilded Age
Thus begins the Guilded Age.
With the increase of Si’adi influence, the Bodur, a historically rather aloof faction, move into the city proper, using their silver to patronize the local artists and craftsmans. The dwarven ingot becomes the standard of the working class while goblin coinage remains favored by the upper class.

During this time, tragedy struck, with several sinkholes suddenly opening across the city. The two major ones became a canal that ran under the Temple Hill and and a aquatic scar through the center of the orcish slums.
Further investigation by city officials and looters discovered an extensive tunnel system under the city, probably dated back to the Orcish Khanate, however it appeared to some that the tunnels were expanded recently.
The Bodur became the scapegoat though they claimed this was simply the fear mongering of the Si’adi.
During the spread of the Dance of Mangrus, the Khan pushed to use these tunnels as a way to quickly dispose of waste. This plague weakened the political power of both of the Court of Heaven and the Khan, as it struck the royal caste hardest of all.

People, losing faith, turned to wisemen and shamen, and powerful magical guilds began to blossom over the city as they were watered by the cities gold.
At some point during this time, Eskander the Banshee appears on the scene. His country and heritage unknown. He becomes a formidable force and a shadow in the night, founding the first Assassin's Guild in Samarkand.
It's first target supposedly the reigning Khan at the time.

The Guild of Engineers, a powerful force in the military and influence taste makers when it comes to goggles, achieve perhaps their greatest feat after a series of border skirmishes with the halfling sky-lords lead to the crown gaining possession of a broken down zeppelin.
Reverse engineering the tech, they launch the first vessel: the Aintisariun.

Forming a hegemony with the magical guilds and several crafters guilds, the zeppelin holds the city hostage as Khanate forces battle with guild militia in the streets for supremacy of the city.
The fighting continued several weeks before ending in the Treaty of Open Hands. The most important of the stipulations outlined was the creation of the Wise House or the Mazil'Dhaki, a ruling body composed of representatives from the various guilds. From there they could create laws and organize and levy trade agreements.

The Mazil'Dhaki's first test was during the completion of the cities curtain wall.
The east city of the city had lain open for centuries, unfinished partly because of the succession of wars and partly because the city relied on the natural defenses of the surrounding terrain. During that time, the elvish slums had spread up the side of Mount Zafer and spilled across the river. A ferry had been established.
When royal builders came in, they were quickly attacked and killed. The workers went on strike and the Mazil'Dhaki sprang into action, pooling money and creating the Watchmen's Guild to first protect the builders and then to police the city.

The Khan, at this time, had become a figure head, mainly staying away from Samarkand to rule his empire from afar and waging war on the border lands but with the growth of the Watchmen's Guild, the Khan discovered he had a guild on his side. Many men who served in the army went home and became watchmen and they were loyal to him.
This caused a rift to form between the Khan and the Mazil'Dhaki, who were not pleased that their military force was suddenly co-op’ed by the crown.
The Khan began to use the Watchmen's Guild to police the merchants and keep the Mazil'Dhaki and the Court of Heaven in check through threat of violence.

The eight orders of the Sorcerer's Guild became fractured over ideological differences, forming seven unique guilds. The eighth order, lead by the necromancer, rejected the guild system out right. Her order, a taboo and often hushed up branch of the guild even at the best of times, was tired of the squabbles and infighting, as well as the cultural mores that prevented her students from fully exploring their school.
And so she left, vowing revenge, or so we're told.

Next: Modern Samarkand

Samarkand at the end of the Guilded Age

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