Sunday, December 2, 2018

History of Samarkand: Modern Samarkand

Previous: The Guilded Age

Modern Samarkand
The modern age of Samarkand began arrival of the Magnates from the Shield of Strakos. Brought in as mercenaries by the ruling Al’bahar Khan.

However, weakened by the Dance of Mangrus and internal politics, the Magnates quickly took over the rule of Samarkand, and after a coup, involving the assassination of current Khan and the forced marriage of his daughter, Diodotus Khan ascended to the throne.

Under Magnesian rule, the Sea Cult flourished as the new Khans declared themselves living incarnations of Okeana.

But their reign has been turbulent at best.

The Halfling Warlords to the north ramped up their wars against the gnomes, causing a huge influx of elvish refugees in the city. Unsurprisingly, this raised tensions across the city as much of the elven population joined the Batiir. The Jadid, in response, began to assassinate particularly vocal elven resistance fighters, causing widespread riots in Zafar District.
Midylos Khan, in response, began to purge both sides: routing out gnomish barrows and elven homes, in a brutal campaign to suppress the sectarian violence.
This worked for a time but Midylos Khan was, unfortunately, assassinated in a Jadid attack. The city descended into chaos, which quickly spread throughout the region.

During this upheaval, the Mazil'Dhaki, sick of having their storage buildings burned and their trade halted, united with the Court of Heaven and called to a Magnate general, Euthydemus, to return from his campaigns in the south and bring order to the city.

Euthydemus came with fire and steel, establishing himself as Khan and son of Okeana. He reinstated much of the orcish nobility, but pruning the power of the Mazil’Dhaki and the Court of Heaven shortly after being handed the crown.

Samarkand today

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