Friday, July 22, 2016

Knightly Orders in the Young Kingdoms

     In an age of new ideas, the classic chivalrous knight has little place. The idea of a noble training since birth to be an unstoppable killing machine is several generations away.
     Still, that doesn't mean that the Knight class from Hackmaster is suddenly out. It's just a matter of changing the flavor a bit. Over the next couple of posts, I'll be explaining how the Knight class fits into each distinct culture.

      Knights in the Young Kingdom are paramilitary forces formed into Orders. These Orders are closer to the Knightly Orders of the Crusades, the Knights Templar or the Knights Hospital. Each Order tends to specialize in a certain kind of fighting style and so young hopefuls often try and get sworn into the Order that favors their fighting technique. The Order he chooses also effects the quality of training he relieves, with the more honorable Orders being very picky on who they swear in.

     After they complete their training and are swore to a gawd, the knight becomes a Knight Errand, or a knight with no liege lord and no land. Ideally, a knight will hire his sword until he is offered a piece of fief by a lord at which point he'll settle down.

     Remember: the ideas of Chivalry are a long time coming and while LG (and even LN to some extent) knights tend to follow this ideal, it more out of a general sense of right and wrong, rather then codified law. Tourneys are not formalized affairs with huge prizes, the are like real little wars where the prize is gained by ransoming off other knight's horses and swords.

     Because plate mail is not really a thing in this era, knights only receive the 2 point penalty to Honor per level if they don't wear at least chain mail.

     While the number of Orders are astonishing, there are some major Orders, as well as some notable minor ones.

The Honorable Orders

Order of the Falcon
     Based out of the Durlinese city of Ilien, this Order rose to prominence shortly after the founding of the kingdom. Falcon knights are masters of striking, focusing on attack and getting a strong first strike that shatters your opponent. They even tend to practice techniques that increase the range of their blade to make sure their blow is the first and last.
      Knights of the Order of the Falcon prefer long and great swords, depending on the individual warrior's preference.

Order of the Dragon
      Founded on the slopes of the Tail of Arshalaku, this Order deals in damage and is heavily influenced by hob-goblin fighting styles. Brutal force is the best force, in their opinion. The Order of the Dragon is also renown as some of the best tournament fighters.
      Knights of this Order favor the two-handed sword or the military pick. Many of the high ups in the Order also switch out their horses for the giant lizards of the mountain.

Order of the Rose
      Focusing on speed and agility, this Order is known as superb duelists. While their name may be flowery, they are vicious fighters and it's generally known that the Knights of the Rose are among some of the dirtiest fighters in the Young Kingdoms, using techniques that are not generally considered honorable. Still, they maintain their prestigious status by offering their services to wealthy nobles as champions in Trials by Combat.
       Knights of the Rose favor short swords and daggers, often fighting with two weapons and training in dirty tactics that can increase their effective reach.

Order of the Bear
       Originally founded in the city of Koszalin, the Order was moved to the new city of Aralzyk after its sacking by House Polavich. More then any other Order, the Knights of the Bear seem to be very keen on politics, with its Grand Master ruling the city after a coup two decades ago.
       To the Knights of the Bear, the best offense is a good defense. The specialize in the sword and shield and taking damage like a champ when that fails.
       The Order of the Bear doesn't favor a weapon beyond 1 handed weapons. Instead they focus on shields and physical conditioning.

Order of Four Faces
      Sometimes refered to the Holy Order, these knights focus on the holy and being able to channel divine power. The Order of the Four Faces is seperated into the generaly clergy and the fighters, with the fighters acting more like your common knight.
      Unlike the other Orders, Knights of Holy Order are not fighters that become knights, but the Clerics of the Halls of the Valient from the 6th Zealot's Guide. With their clergy being normal Servants of the Swift Sword and the knights of the order being the Knights Templar.

The Minor Orders

Order of the Pike
      People have... mixed opinions about Knights of the Pike. They are generally Knight Errands, and viewed as little more then glorified bounty hunters by other Knightly Orders as they favor the bow and spear. You see, while knights are allowed to be proficient in these weapons, they are only allowed to use them against dishonorable oppenants, enemies that your average knight doesn't want to fight.
      But the reason why Knights of the Pike favor these weapons is because they don't seek out honorable fights. the Order of the Pike are avid monster and bandits hunters, targets where both weapons are an advantage.
      So, people and knights only really like to have these Knight Errands around when their a problem but tend to quietly shoo them away when not needed.

Order of the Griffin
      Your body is weapon. Knights of the Griffin take an unconventional look at the way two people fight, in terms of knightly combat. The idea is to close in quickly and throw, grab, and generally push your opponent around, keeping them off their balance. Ideally, Knights of the Griffin throw their heavily armored enemy to the ground and then keep them there.
      The Order of the Griffin favors 1 handed weapons, keeping their off-hand weapon free to preform unarmed maneuvers.

Order of the Giant
      Rare among the Orders of Knights are those that don't favor fighting. The Order of the Giant is amoung these. They are craftsmen first and fighters second, and their mantra is that a fighter is really only as good as his equipment. Some of the best smiths are found within their walls, producing the highest quality iron.
      The Order of the Giant favors the mace and flail, more for the symbolism then anything else.

Order of the Broken Sword
      The strength of knight is not in the individual knight but in the ability of a group of knights to come together and fight as a unit. The Order of the Broken Sword are commanders. They're seen as stuck up by the other Orders but that may be jealous of the fact that when a group of knights is hired, it is often a Knight of the Broken Sword that is placed as their captain and that tends to rub people the wrong way.
     Knights of the Broken sword favor the longsword and lance as status symbols.

Order of Sable
     Often referred to as Black Knights, this Order doesn't focus on any specific, instead choosing to mostly generalize. They offer a wide variety of training, though they tend not to master any. Still, this breathe of knowledge allows them to adapt to any situation more easily, They tend to be considered wild cards as Knights of the Sable tend to either be great or poor, with very little in between.

       There are more Orders then this, specializing in almost every aspect of knighthood. Some also tend to stride two or three school styles. If you are planning on knighthood and none of the above schools appeal to your character's fighting style, let me know and we can work out an Order that fits.

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