Sunday, July 17, 2016


     Located on the north side of the Vos River, Mertagia (trans: Land by the Sea), it a wild and unkempt land of warring tribes and beautifully rugged scenery. It's population is made of Free Peoples but lately the greedy leaders and enterprising knights of it's neighbors have turned their eyes to its natural resources.
     Vos River
     Sometime's called the Free Sea because of how wide it is, the Vos River is fed on both sides by the rivers and streams that collect in the valley. The Vos River has become a natural border between the Free People and the expanding Kingdom of Rivil.
      The Inlands
      The land north of the Vos River before it empties out into Roskev Bay, the Inlands houses the more warlike tribes. Penned in on either side by the Rivilians, the Balmorans, and the Durlinese, these tribes have fought the encroachment of these larger powers and it's become a way of life, with the tribes along the waterways adopting ship building techinques to increase the range and effectiveness of their raids.

      The Fens
      While a relatively small area in Mertagia, the wetlands known as the Fens were some of the most influential traders. The Bogmen were masters of bog-smelting, the process by which iron ore is extracted from the peat moss. This was traded with the Free Peoples on either side of its central location on the delta and with the Kingdom of Rivil.
      Lately, however, the lesser tribes of Bogmen have been swallowed up by the war-leader commonly referred to as the She-Wolf of the Fens, a capable and brutal commander who has stopped the main trade of iron out of the swamp.

      The Vistulan Coast
      Emerald green shores giving way to the steel-blue sea, the Vistulan Coast (trans: the Eternal Coast) is home to the more peaceful tribes that have little interaction with the outside world. As such, the tribes are seeped in ancient Andalish tradition and their language is closer to the old tongue.
      The ragged coastline and unpredictable weather makes foreigners see the area as morose and gloomy and the simple life of its inhabitants are seen as quaint.

      The Sklavian Headlands
      The hilly land butted up against the Mountains of Mourn, the Sklvian Headlands are filled with tribes that are barbaric by even Inland standards.
      In fact, the only people that Sklavian Andals get along with appear to be the dwarves that sell them their iron.

      The Farlands
      While not technically part of Mertagia, the Farlands are what the Free People call the land on the south of the Vos River. Traditionally this is part of Mertagia, as outside of the Rivilian city states, the Farlands are just as wild and unsettled as the north lands. Lately though, Rivil as pushed its expansionist policies by founding fortress cities along the banks of the Vos River.
       Still, the Free Peoples of the Farlands don't recognize crown authority and continue to their life in much the same way as they always have, though many tribes have grown concerned about this encroachment.

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