Wednesday, September 7, 2016

More Knightly Orders

Order of the Swan
     Like the vengeful avians they take their name from, you can usually spot these knights by the wide berth that others give them. That's because this order is known for one thing: their total recklessness in combat. It's even rumored that these warriors will take psychedelic drugs to increase their pain tolerance.
     The Order of the Swan is very selective about who they recruit. It is rumored that their entrance test is knights of the Order beating the initiate with clubs. Those that don't pass out after an hour pass are in.
     These knights favor hard-hitting weapons and heavy armors. Their specialty is wading into the thickest part of the melee and hitting anything that moves.

Order of the Cat
     The best way to beat your enemy is to defeat him before you engage him physically. That's the philosophy of the Order of the Cat, a group of knights that believes that if you are not certain of victory before you draw your weapon, you've already lost.
     It is perhaps because of this that this Order focuses on skills and lateral thinking. This shifty attitude has earned them the ire of other knights because, for some reason, knights don't like being caught in snares and then beaten with a stick like a metal pinata.
     Knights of the Order of the Cat don't really have a favored weapon though they prefer light armors, often sticking with chain mail, though they discard this at the nearest chance. Unsurprisingly, they're probably the least honorable Order with members trading honor for effectiveness.

Order of the Lance
     Masters of the horse, these mounted combatants have gained some prestige on the plains of Wesswern. There the horse is king. They take their role as fighters very serious, or at least, they take mounted fighting very serious. They tend to be rather helpless once you pull them from the saddle, or so the rumor goes.
     Lancers have rule that, after anointing, they can bear their Order's crest until they are unhorsed, at which point they must swap the sigil of the lance for a broken lance. Understandable, it is a common misconception that the Order's actual crest is the broken lance.
     Knights of the Lance are the tanks of the ancient world, wearing the heaviest armor available and commonly wearing the great two-handed swords if not wielding the their namesake weapon.

Order of Gold
     Held in derision by their follow knights for being soft, Golden Knights knows that this is only the mocking of lesser men, for you are not accepted into the Order, you are born into it. The Order of Gold are composed of noble sons. These knights tend to make up officers, with the tendency to serve under or with or in competition Knights of the Broken Sword.
     While they may never be the greatest fighters on the field, Knights of Gold tend to not only have the best equipment, the best range of training, and, most importantly, the best opportunities. A knight of Gold has contacts and they always seem to know a guy. They can also get in places and get away with things that no other knightly order can.
     The Order of Gold prefers the long sword as a symbol of the nobility.

Order of the Ferret
     Wily and spray like their name-sake, the Knights of the Ferret are exemplars of speed and defense married for one purpose: fighting more then one opponent at a time. This specialization has hurt them somewhat but their ability and tactics serve as valuable insights for others. This has caused many to form short term truces with them, just long enough to get the basics, and then drop they drop the Ferret Knights. This can make your average Ferret Knight rather wary of others, after all, it doesn't feel great to have others trivialize what you've dedicated your life to mastering.
     The Order trains its members to be fleet of foot, speedy with the blade, and to never let your guard down. Generally, these knights either specialize in a smaller weapon for the speed or go for a weapon with longer reach to keep their enemies at bay.

Order of the Horse
     To be an effective knight, the warrior has to become one with his horse. They must not just communicate through words but through spirit as well. This is the idea behind the Knights of the Horse, though not necessarily applicable to the horse and rider. No, this Order focuses on fighting as a unit, together either in tandem with other or in a larger group. Generally well liked because they know how to follow orders, Knights of the Horse are highly sought after body guards.
     The Knights of the Horse don't favor any weapon, armor, or shield as their training is more about mixed unit tactics. This had led to some non-traditional training techniques, like staring into each other's eyes or going on long walks together. Not really but it's not far from the truth and these training regiments are effective and come with a very special bonus. Knights of the Horse can spend their own personal Honor on those they share this special bond with as long as their within threat range of each other (5+ their weapon's reach). Ideally, two bonded Horse Knights will spend their Honor on each other but they can bond with someone whose not a member of the Order but those that're not members can't spend Honor on their bonded knight.

Order of the Sparrow
     While other knights earn their fame for triumphs on the battle-field, Sparrow Knights tend to earn their fame from being chased out of noble women's bedrooms. That's because while others sharpen blades, they sharpen their quills. Practicing the 'courtly skills' of persuasion, diplomacy, poetry, music, and, of course, slow speed seduction and high speed running and climbing.
     The Order of the Sparrow is about the romantic vision of the knight. That a warrior should be not only be a fighter but also a gentlemen, rough when needed and soft when not. Sadly, this is often forgotten by its members as they are widely mocked as spineless pansy who put flowers in their hair and powder their noses, but those smiles turn to frowns when they have to chase the wayward Sparrow away from their wives.
     Knights of the Sparrow tend towards the short sword and buckler, side-arms that are unobtrusive and are usually allowed in any court or place.

The Cambrian Order
     Hailing from the Camber Peaks, a spur of the Mountains of Mourne, this Order is the descendant of an ancient brotherhood of Sigmar, the Wartooths. While the Faithful of Sigmar are clerics, Wartooths are warriors that have sworn themselves to the way of war, often pledging themselves to a certain cause, most commonly revenge.
     To this end, the Cambrian Order shapes its members for one purpose: prepping them for their own personal conflict. This has sometimes labelled them as the 'revenge society' as the only way to gain entrance to their Order is dependent on the supplicant having a personal war. Many are even turned away at that the proverbial door if their inner fire isn't bright enough.
     A word to the wise, if you see a Cambrian Knight coming down the road, cross to the other side, as he is on a mission and will not hesitate to shed blood to accomplish it.

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