Tuesday, September 20, 2016

The Honored Dead

It should be unsurprising when you consider the sheer amount of excess necromatic energy on the
Shield that undead are a problem that crosses cultural and clan lines. Non-intelligent undead seem to pop up at random but, luckily, intelligent undead seem to be uncommon to rare.

Or at least in some cases they are.

A tribe's honor is a palpable thing that effects not only the here-and-now of its member's but also their afterlives. This can be a problem for those enjoying a paradisaical retirement in the Underworld when they're booted from their gawd's good graces because their children have become dishonorable brigands.

 This has lead to the not uncommon occurrence of the return of these Honor Dead to the Shield to try and protest their decedents' actions. While it never leads to bloodshed (after all, they are kin) this can lead to a heavy curse lead upon the member's of the tribe until its dealt with, though that only happens in the most extreme causes.

No, in most cases, the Honored Dead, angered at not only having their afterlife altered but also that they had to return to the land of the living to do something about it, will make a general nuisance of themselves. They'll break things, spend all night at the foot of your bed screaming, or bad mouth you to your visitors. Little things that will make the tribe member's lives a living hell.

Continue to ignore their warnings and they'll up their game, changing luck to be against you, making the livestock sick and cursing the harvest yields to be weak.

Generally, they don't want to hurt their kin but it's not unknown.

It should be warned that the Honored Dead are very traditional in their view of the world and many times their presence is because of something that may seem extremely petty, like the dropping of the tradition of not eating beans at Midwinter.

Or they could wish you to back down on a new alliance with an age old enemy. Something that would be beneficial to the tribe but is still not how it was done in their day. You cannot reason with the Honored Dead because their not reasonable unpersons.

As hinted at before though, the only time the Honored Dead really stir themselves in when the tribe takes a huge hit its Honor, falling one or more Honor categories for a single action and even then it is only fairly likely.

Still, a tribe must be aware at all times how their actions will effect those that have gone beyond and so if they're making a decision that will probably attract their dead's attention, they'll commonly make sacrifices to try and placate them. It doesn't always work but it's worth the risk.

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