Saturday, December 20, 2014

Weapons: Dagger

     Well, we all think of the classic fantasy dagger when we hear the word, the Hackmaster dagger is more akin to a vicious ice pick that will mess you up. It's normally about 12 inchs but they have been known to get up to 20 inchs of steel tapering to a needle point that would murder you.
      I don't think you understand how vicious these this are. Go Google "Rondel dagger" and then return to this blog post. I'll wait.
     I know right? It's like they boiled down the ultimate essence of what it means to be a murderhobo and what was left was the dagger. It have the base minimum of a guard because it apparently assumes that they only time you'd be using it was ambushing your victim with 20 of your closest friends in a dark alley. I mean, holy crap.

     Interestingly, the evolution of the dagger mirrors the rise of the use of full plate. It was also likely the side arm used by the soldiers in the Battle of Agincourt. Do you know how they used them? They pulled the french knights from their steeds and while he was held down in the mud, his enemies took the daggers to his armpits and groin. Repeatedly. In the groin. That is horrify. Seriously, this weapon will mess you up.
     After it was done murdering everyone you ever loved, the Rondel dagger became the side arm of merchants, tradesmen, and the middle class, no doubt to get close to their families so it could murder them in their sleep.

     In my world, the Rondel dagger was originally a Hirudean ice pick turned to war. It's usage became wide spread during the collapse of the Hexen empire. The Hirudean forces were at such a shortage to arm their men that they began equipping them with all random farm and work tools. The ice pick was quickly modified and adopted as a personal favorite.
     It's commonly called a "Rondel" after Lord Rondel, a mercenary fighting for the Hexen forces, who was stabbed in the face 19 times for offering a Hirudean commander unsatisfying surrender terms.
     It's use has remained common in Hirudia but has also spread to other cultures. In the Free Cities, they are completely outlawed and only used by escaped slaves. The Young Kingdoms see them as tools, ironically for self defense. Most are used as side arms for merchants, though lowland knights tend to keep them as well. Southern Raiders don't use them at all, not because the dagger isn't good at it's job (which is killing), but because it's a little too brutal for them and it's not considered sporting.

     Hexens don't carry daggers, but Rohuans may have the right pull but can only get their hands on them at thrice the cost.
     Hirudean can get their hands on them because their practical killing machines.
     The Young Kingdoms have no penalties or bonuses.
     Finally, Southern Raiders lose 1 Honor whenever they use a Rondel dagger in combat if there are other Raiders around.

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