Friday, December 19, 2014

Weapons: Hand Axe

     This article will be short as most of the information on axes was handled in the battle-axe post found here.

     The hand axe is more culturally ubiquitous then it's cousin and is found almost universally among the peasant classes.

      The Free Cities hand axe is an adopted weapon that is only used by those living on the edges of society and those out in farms. It's closer to your average lumber axe having a wider head and sturdier shaft.
      Hexens that have a hand axe on them don't have to pay extra to have it but lose 1 Honor whenever they enter any city for the shame of using such a dishonorable weapons when others are available.

      Hirudeans treat the hand axe like they treat most other weapons: if it kills then use it. Their axes mainly evolved from those used by captured Hexen slaves, as such it's very similar. It's use is rare and so hasn't had the time to develope significant differences. The major difference is the large crescent shaped head. This makes the axe a little more unwieldy but it packs a punch.
      They pay double the price for hand axes.

      The Young Kingdoms love their axes. They tend to use lighter weight axes with small elongated heads that are more effective in punching holes in their opponent's armor. These are often have a longer bottom spike on the head that act like a weapon catcher and the ability to catch opponents on the back swing.

      Raiders against prefer their hand axes lighter and use ones similar to the Andals only without the bottom tooth.

      Sihks only use them if their base culture has them as their background. They pay double.

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