Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Weapons: Flail

     The flail is a surprisingly brutal weapon that evolved from an agricultural tool of the same name. While it's use was never truly wide spread like other more iconic weapons, it did seem popular use in a number of peasant rebels through the ages.

     The flail itself comes in two varieties, a longer two handed version and a shorter one handed version that was developed later to be used on horse back. Both consist of a weighted end attached to a handle. Variations within that are based on whether it was a converted tool or actually forged as a weapon. Often times the weighted end would include nasty spikes and the leather that connected it to the shaft would be replaced by a chain.

     The weapon's really advantage was it's ability to get around or entirely ignore the opponent's shield. When fighting an enemy who is using a flail you loose any bonuses you would get from your shield and you defend with a d20p.

     Hirudeans make extensive use of the flail in combat to break up shield formations and the flail in Hackmaster is closer to their flail then it is to a real world one. The main difference is that they've further modified it to have a shorter shaft that still gives them the benefit of reach while still allowing them to use it one handed.
     Because of landscape, Hirudean cavalry are almost none existent, as such the horsemen's flail is not available to them.

     In the Free Cities flails are used by freed Sashai auxiliary units as cheap ways of equipping an army. The Hexen flail is closer to the tool having a longer reach (+2 to reach) and requiring two hands (+3 damage but there is a penalty to speed). It's also less effective in narrow spaces as it doesn't work like a normal pole-arm and needs to be swung either up and down or left and right to be able to used effectively. It doesn't see much use because of these limiting factors.
    The rest of the Free Companies see flails as a peasant weapon and so it has not been widely adopted by for their horsemen though it's not unheard of. Horsemen's flails cost double for Hexens.

    Raiders don't use the base flail as most everyone has a better weapon. When it is used it has the same statistics as the Hexen flailp. They also have little to know cavalry force so the horsemen's flail is unheard of. Both cost double it purchased.

     While Andals don't field infantry that are trained with the flail, many conscripted levies quickly outfit themselves with things laying around the farm and so the flail is the unsung weapon of choice for many Andals going off to war. The Andalish flail is has the same penalties and bonuses as the Hexen flail.
     Andals from the low countries have embraced the horsemen's flail for it's unique properties and ability to break shield formations and it is considered one of the weapons knights are allowed to train in.

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