The Old World

General Stuff
             -The Shield - Google Earth
             -Clerical Sects
             -Shield, Weapon, and Armor Availability by Culture
             -Gaining Magical Items and Runes
             -The Honored Dead
Quick Overview of Ethnic Groups and Kingdoms
              Better Barbarians
                            Build Your Own Barbarian

Having No Clan

              -The Young Kingdoms and the Free People
                            -The Thrashers
              -Andalish Magic
                            -Kings of Durlin
              -Andal Weddings 
              -The Ravenguard: Brothers in Mourning
              -Knightly Orders of the Young Kingdoms
                            -More Knightly Orders
                            -Even More Knightly Orders
              -Jahn Marshal, Rickard Longreign, and the War of Arms

              -Morjanos, the Ancestors, and the Dragon
              -The Arpadian Riders (Knights of Ehikia)
              -Sky Burials and Arpadian Funeral Rites

The Saalek
              -The King in Brass
              -Succession of Gawds and Emperors
              -Sword Saints (Monastic Knights)
              -The Star Pact and the Vaiyurahu
              -Sorcerers and the Jaedho

The Ikeni Clans
              -Weaponthanes (Knights of the Ikeni)
              -Strongwood Weapons and Armor

The Mazadarani & Sassanids
              -The Grand Canal Barrier
              -Sassanid Immortals (Knights of the Empire)
              -The Soul Shiven
              -The Lord of Shattered Light
              -Maranath Retrieves the First Magic
              -The Blind Gawd
              -The Birth and Curing of Lhankor Mhy
                            -The Whipped King
              -The Herald of Chaos
              -The Emperor of All Maladies

The Arran'aki
              -The Rushing Holy

The Stone Clans
              -Divine Corpses: Nimetu Clerical Casting
              -Lithic and Obsidian Weapons

              -Song of Creation
              -Strain of Sundering

              -Dwarven Phenotypes
              -Dwarven Origins As Told By Other Races
              -Valkaehir Dwarves        
              -Dwarven Religion 101
              -Writing Styles and Convertions

      Elves and Grunge Elves
              -Elvish Views on Immortality
              -Elvish Government
              -The Uncovering



              -The 7 Sons & 7 Daughters of the Shoemakers
              -Gnomish Spiritual Gifts


The Gods

(Coming Eventually)


     Battle Axes
     Hand Axes
     Flails (both basic and horsemen's)

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